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My Narcissist disappeared and I need a divorce!

Dear Narcissist Problems,

I made the unfortunate mistake of marrying a narcissist and now find myself entangled with her and don't know how to get out of it. I had a minor victory over her as I forced her to go no contact. As pleasant as it is to not hear from her, I now have no way to find her to serve divorce papers. What should I do? How do I proceed with a divorce if my narcissist disappeared?



Dear "Stumped",

I'm unsure of how to approach this question at the moment simply from one comment you made. Let me break this down for you real quick. I know you are on the high of your victory but I have some unfortunate news. I could just get straight to answering your question but I feel obligated to clear up some confusion for anyone who might read this because then they will be stumped too.

You don't force narcissists to disappear. You are either the abuser (I'm assuming this isn't the case with you) or your narcissist has discarded you and is now giving you the silent treatment. I really wish I could allow you to live in your victory but you should be aware that a narcissist is not like an unwanted dog that gets dropped off out in the country with the hopes they don't find their way back home. Narcissists know where you are and they ALWAYS return. I guess that could be good news for you since you need to serve papers but I wouldn't wait for it. Have you talked to a lawyer yet?

I'll make this uber easy on you right now. You can get free online legal advice here. You can get free legal advice PLUS get a lawyer in your town to help you at a fixed rate. I wish you luck and I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you that narcissists regularly disappear and then come back like a bad case of athletes foot. Good Luck to you!


Narcissist Problems

Please read this book "Stumped"

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